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Bed Bugs on The Increase

Bed bugs in London and the rest of the world are increasing at an alarming rate. Infestations in domestic and commercial properties are increasing exponentially. Bed bugs are very hard to control and cause households major problems in dealing with them. Bed bugs are a growing concern and a professional pest control company is need to deal with them. Bed bugs are nocturnal and are very hard to find. They are therefore difficult to deal with.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in 4 Easy Steps

About Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs are small and have a rostrum that they can use to obtain blood form a person. They live exclusively on blood and hide away in the day coming out at night sensing the levels of carbon dioxide in the air and body heat. They have a devolved hind wing that is not used anymore.
Bad Bugs
Bed Bugs Global Increase

Bed bug infestations in London, New York and in major cities through the world are increasing at an alarming rate. Bed bugs call outs to domestic and commercial properties are increasing exponentially. Bed Bugs are very hard to control and cause households and companies major problems in trying to contain and eradicate them. Bed Bugs are causing domestic residents and businesses increasing concern. A professional pest control company is certainly need to treat the Bed Bugs infested areas. This web site aims at helping to inform the public and professional alike.


Bad Bugs Global Increase 

Bed Bugs Hiding Places

Bed Bugs are small and are very good at hiding, they are usually hide 15 feet from or less from their host. They can be virtually anywhere in your home and in apartments they can migrate from an infected home into a non infected apartment. They also can move from an infested room to an adjacent room. Bed Bugs do have favorite hiding places though, the most common place mentioned in a study from the university of Kentucky has found these place to be, mentioned below in the pie chart. As you can see many of the preferred places are in and around the bed, hence their name. But they can be anywhere.

Bed BugsTreatment / Kill Bed Bugs

Dealing with bed bugs is very hard because of their excellent hiding skills as well as bed bugs being very hardy creatures. There are many ways to kill bed bugs but the the most popular method is using a professional pesticide. Although this method is not 100% guaranteed to do the job. Bed bugs are becoming resistant to pesticide and as well as having a waxy cuticle which protects them from the pesticide. 
Bad Bugs Life Cycle
Another method is to heat the room with heating machines which raises the temperature of the room and kills the bed bugs. This method is very effective and is better than pesticide but is very expensive. You pay for what you get .Trying to find bed bugs is not so easy because even if you find a few bed bugs there could be many more in other areas. Pest control companies sometimes use dogs but it is not certain that this method actually works. Just because a dog finds bed bugs in a certain place does not mean it has found all of them. 

I think it is not a very effective method at all. The main point should be not where a bed bug maybe but whether your home has bed bugs or not. You either treat the rooms in a meticulous manner or you do not. Pesticide and searching is not a total solution to the problem. Heating is. If you go, the pesticide way, then it becomes a war of attrition. The home owner has to wash in hot water all clothing, curtains and so on. 

All ornaments and odds and ends need to be segregated in plastic bags and keep sealed for up to 2 years or until treated. There are no half measure in treating bed bug infestations. Otherwise they will surely re-infest your home, causing itching and nasty bite marks and bumps on your body.

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1 comment:

  1. bed bugs services singapore We provide affordable, yet very effective methods for eradication of bed bugs and termites with a proven combination of unique integrated eco-friendly, greener methods as well as heat-treatment solutions.
